The Framing Studio was set up to become a disrupter in the picture framing market space. We have extensive experience in similar internet retail markets and we see an opportunity to  deliver the highest quality framed product for a fraction of what our competition charges. We are also a throwback to an era when the terms “Customer Service” and “Quality” actually meant something. In today’s internet retail era it is extremely challenging to get the attention of any seller. Internet retail competition is tough and there is always a someone willing to offer “same same” for less in the short term. That is why many internet retailers are “Here today gone tomorrow”.  They refuse to invest in the pre-requisites for excellence in customer service and quality because their competitors are not burdened with these costs.

At the Framing Studio, we believe that Excellence in Customer Service and Quality are the foundation stones for all successful businesses. Not only do these principles save our company money but they also allows us to pass these savings on to our customers. Our production systems are based on the “Toyota Production System”. This system is infamous in manufacturing circles for its focus on the elimination of all manufacturing and operational waste. This waste costs money, a lot of money and that is why we are dedicated to its elimination. We firmly believe that Customer Service and Quality deliver satisfied customers. Satisfied customers become repeat customers and repeat customers become the best advertising asset our company could ask for.

Take us for a test drive and see for yourself the tangible difference that we can make in your buying experience.